Coral Restoration Internship Opportunities at MOTE (Marine Laboratory and Aquarium, USA)

Coral Restoration: Land-Based Coral Nursery

Upper Keys Coral Restoration Internship Coral reefs are vital to people and wildlife around the world. However, they are declining steeply due to climate change—including increasing temperatures and ocean acidification—along with coral disease, pollution, overfishing, and other stressors. Mote Marine Laboratory’s Coral Reef Restoration Research Program develops and applies science-based strategies with the goal of restoring depleted coral reefs in our lifetime. Specifically, Mote researchers are working to optimize restoration using diverse coral genotypes (genetic varieties), prioritizing native genetic variations that can resist SCTLD and other stressors such as increased water temperatures and ocean acidification.

Coral Restoration Internship (Summerland Key)

Mote’s Coral Restoration Program focuses on large-scale propagation of corals in a land-based nursery to support ongoing research and restoration. Most of the work conducted by interns at the land-based coral culture facility involves daily coral husbandry (handling coral fragments to remove algae and other fouling organisms) and basic aquaculture maintenance duties (cleaning tanks and seawater systems). However, duties may also include hands-on propagation of corals using Mote’s “micro-fragmentation” technique, and assisting with experiments aimed at improving propagation methods. Depending on the time of year and the participants experience with prior fieldwork, participants may have the opportunity to assist staff with transplanting corals to restoration sites during outplanting efforts, or observe staff during monitoring of previously outplanted corals. Opportunities for fieldwork will be limited to snorkeling only.

Coral Restoration Internship (Islamorada)

The ideal candidate for an internship position in the Upper Keys is a college student or recent graduate looking to gain experience working with coral. While field-based restoration is conducted by Mote staff using SCUBA, an open water SCUBA certification is not required to apply. Mote will provide flexible scheduling to interns interested in advancing their SCUBA certifications in tandem with their internship. Interns must supply skin gear such as mask, fins, snorkel, and wetsuit (seasonally dependent) but essential SCUBA diving equipment (BCD, Regulator, and restoration tools) can be assigned to interns by Mote for the duration of their internship.

Coral Restoration Internship (Key Largo)

This internship program offers an exceptional opportunity for individuals passionate about marine science and conservation. Participants gain hands-on experience and contribute to impactful research and educational initiatives, with a focus on coral restoration. Internships will be based out of one of our two Ex-situ facilities in the Upper Keys. Daily tasks include producing coral fragments to restore Florida’s Coral Reef through micro-fragmentation, husbandry of Caribbean corals, and building supplies crucial to supporting coral restoration. Motivated interns may have the opportunity to participate in fieldwork including nursery maintenance in our offshore coral nurseries, monitoring of previously out-planted corals, and (seasonally dependent) out-planting corals onto local reefs.


Application deadlines vary. This opportunity post will expire 1st February 2025


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